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New beginnings....

We offer printmaking workshops and residencies in La Force . Classes will be taught to those wanting to learn the art and craft of lithography, as well as other print media including intaglio, monotype, and relief. Our residencies provide artists concentrated time to produce their own work with expert assistance available.  Painters, drawers, and sculptors are also welcome to create work either using the studio space or working outdoors. 

Residencies - 

Printmaking Residency
For artists wanting the time and studio equipped to produce their work independently, either a specific project or just to explore ideas that lead to a body of work. Our studios provide access to many print media including lithography, reilef, intaglio, monoprint, letterpress, book binding, and more... all while being surrounded by the French countryside. 
Residency fee is $1300 (1100€) per week and includes studio use, use of presses, equipment and tools, supply and materials fee, meals and lodging in our guest house. *does not include paper or plates, but these are available for purchase. **Printing services available, price dependent on project. 

Painting and Drawing Residency
Our studio and property provide ample space and inspiration to create and work. Working indoors or outside, one can enjoy our breathtaking views of the surrounding farmland and countryside and the ever changing beauty of natural light. 
Residency fee is $1100 (900€) per week and includes use of studio and space, materials fee, meals, and lodging in our guest house. 

Collaboration Residency
This is designed for artists desiring to work with Deb and Stéphane on a specific print project, where one works collaboratively in order to achieve professionally produced results.  
Residency fee will be determined based on the cost of the project wished to be produced.
Meals and housing -  $200  (165€) per day or $1200 (975€) per week per person. 

Visiting Master Printer Residency
For professional printers who would like to produce a project with an artist in our studios, this residency allows full access to our studios, presses, equipment, tools, and assistants if needed. This is a studio rental which offers private access for printers and artists to work collaboratively. What La Force offers is the ability to work at a large scale which is limited in most studios. See our list of equipment available here. 
Upstairs studio rental - $700/day (600€)
Meals and housing - $150 (125€) per day or $900 (750€) per week. 
*Voirin Flat Bed press - requires the assistance 4-5 press assistants.  Contact for pricing  details for specific projects. 

Une Stage...
Explore 2-3 different print mediums with the guidance and printing assistance of Deb and Stephane. 
1 or 2 week workshop with the possibility of exploring monotype, collagraph, relief, lithography, intaglio. 
Fee includes tools, use of presses, inks, lodging in the guest house, and meals. *paper and plates available for purchase. Additional costs for editioning by Deb and Stéphane. 
1 week $1550 (1325€)  
2 weeks $3100 (2650€)

Residencies are available year round. Please contact us for availability and application process. 

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